제23대 캐나다과기협 차기회장 입후보 공고

  • Nameadmin
  • Date2020-07-03 11:47:14
  • Inquiry212


Call for Nomination

The Association of Korean-Canadian Scientists and Engineers (AKCSE) is inviting nominations for the 23rd AKCSE President candidates for two-year term beginning Jan. 2021. The AKCSE President will be elected in accordance with the provisions of Bylaw Article 8 (

Nomination process and deadline

Nominations are now invited for the 23rd AKCSE president election. Nominations, to be submitted by e-mail (, must be received at the AKCSE no later than Midnight EST on Friday, July 31, 2020.  Nominations must be in writing, signed by the nominating member (who is regular member of AKCSE), and be certified by the candidate. 

Candidate biography and statements

A nomination should be accompanied by a candidate biography, which should cover factual matters relating to firm or employment, educations, history with AKCSE, and at least two supporting letters from AKCSE regular members.

Candidates are also encouraged to include a candidate statement indicating why they would like to serve AKCSE as president, addressing particular issues of concern or interest.

The biography, statement, and a photo (passport size) should be provided to the Election Chair (Dr. Bumsoo Kim, within the posted deadline of nomination. 

For further information on these requirements, please contact AKCSE head office, (416) 449-5204 /

Materials not received by the deadline (Midnight EST on Friday, July 31, 2020.) will not be accepted or made available to the membership, and may result in the nomination being rejected.


Bumsoo Kim, PhD

Nomination Chair of AKCSE


Total203 [ page11/14 ]
No. Title Name Date Inquiry
53 KOSEN '슬기로운 포닥생활' 발간 첨부파일 2020.12.18 admin 2020.12.18 200
52 KOREA Gas Corporation (KOGAS) Canada AKCSE Scholarship recipient 2020.12.04 admin 2020.12.04 193
51 KOREA Gas Corporation (KOGAS) Canada AKCSE Scholarship 장학생 선발 공고 첨부파일 2020.11.26 admin 2020.11.26 163
50 11월 21일(토) 차세대 진로지도 및 모의 인터뷰 개최 안내 첨부파일 2020.11.18 admin 2020.11.18 141
49 AKCSE 11월 행사 안내 첨부파일 2020.11.03 admin 2020.11.03 196
48 제 23대 캐나다과기협 회장 선출 2020.10.07 admin 2020.10.07 725
47 2020 KCSSF Award recipient 2020.08.18 admin 2020.08.18 678
46 정보통신기획평가원 2020 ICT 글로벌 파트너즈 모집 첨부파일 2020.07.22 admin 2020.07.22 221
읽는중 제23대 캐나다과기협 차기회장 입후보 공고 2020.07.03 admin 2020.07.03 212
44 해외고급과학자초빙(Brain Pool)사업 공고 첨부파일 2020.07.03 admin 2020.07.03 251
43 한국에너지기술연구원(KIER) 2021년 수요지향적 국제공동연구과제 공모 안내 첨부파일 2020.06.30 admin 2020.06.30 266
42 2020 KEIT 기술수요조사 안내 첨부파일 2020.06.20 admin 2020.06.20 478
41 2020년도 캐나다한인과학기술자협회 장학생 선발공고 첨부파일 2020.06.11 admin 2020.06.11 537
40 2020년도 산업기술 챌린지트랙 신규지원 대상과제 공고 첨부파일 2020.06.03 admin 2020.06.03 204
39 과총-재외과협 온라인 포럼(6/3) 개최 안내 - 각국의 방역과 백신·치료제 개발 현황과 시사점 첨부파일 2020.05.25 admin 2020.05.25 296
처음 이전 11 12 13 14 다음마지막