KSEA Distinguished Guest Series: The Second Quantum Revolution on Wed Apr 19 @ 8:30PM (EDT)

  • Nameadmin
  • Date2023-04-12 23:43:23
  • Inquiry54

Dear AKCSE members, 


I would like to invite you to “KSEA Distinguished Guest Series: The Second Quantum Revolution” that will be held on Wednesday, April 19th via zoom online. 

The emergence of quantum mechanics at the dawn of the 20th century marked a major turning point in our comprehension of physics, chemistry, materials science, semiconductor industry, optical communication systems, and many others. It spurred the development of modern science and technology, fundamentally transforming our world. In recent decades, the second revolution of quantum sciences has gained impetus, offering extraordinary opportunities for innovative computation and communication frameworks that surpass anything previously envisioned. In this Distinguished Guest Series, we host a dialog with the pioneers in the field to discuss the past trajectory and future prospect for quantum science and technology as it transitions from research to industry.

RaffleAfter the meeting ends, we will select four participants by drawing an online raffle and send them Amazon gift cards as a token of gratitude (1st prize: $100 amazon gift card, 2nd prize: $50 amazon gift card, 2 3rd prize: $25 amazon gift card per each). If you would like to participate in this raffle, please submit this form before the event begins. Those who submit this form will get 2 entries (can win only once), and people who submit this form during the Zoom event will earn 1 entry. *PLEASE SUBMIT THIS FORM ONLY ONCE.


Event Details:

  • Time: Wednesday, April 19, 2023, 5:30-6:30pm (PT), 8:30-9:30pm (ET)
  • Venue: Virtual
  • Host: President of KSEA Young-Kee Kim, University of Chicago
  • Speakers: Jungsang Kim (Duke University, lonQ Inc.), Na Young Kim (University of Waterloo), Sungwoo Choi (MIT)
  • You can listen to the 2022 Nobel lecture on quantum before coming to this event at
  • Questions:


I hope to see many of you and your families and friends at this meeting. I would greatly appreciate it if you could reach out to non-KSEA members to join this Guest Series event and to join or renew KSEA membership by using this [link]

Looking forward to seeing many of you at the zoom meeting on April 19th.




Young-Kee Kim,
President of KSEA

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